I thank you because you’re dedicated and just want to stand on a soapbox and share your newfound love of Castor Oil Packs with the world. 

You are probably calling them a game changer. 

Now it’s about refining your practice. How do we make it even better, so you can improve one more microgram, that over the long run, makes it an improvement by a mile?

One of my favourite Castor Oil Pack hacks is to add in is wearing a Castor Oil Eye Compress to sleep, and then waking up in the morning and dry brushing. 

This is the complete protocol to help the body cleanse and detoxify on a regular day/night cycle, according to the sun and moon. 

Either, way, you now know that Castor Oil Packs are a part of life, like good nutrition, supplementation, sleep, hydration, movement, and love. 
Are you a natural wellness practitioner in the making? Connect with us. 

If you have any concerns about your experience, please contact care@queenofthethrones.com. We would love to support you on your journey!

Always check with your healthcare professional before starting any new practice. This is NOT medical advice. This is for educational purposes only. This is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose. Results vary.

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