Castor Oil Dry Brushing

The Energizing Ritual For Lymphatic Flow, Circulation & Naturally Glowing Skin

Smiling woman with Ipad displaying Dry Brushing download

Why Castor Oil?

Organic Castor Oil and dry brush

The power of your skin is underestimated, agreed? After all, it’s your first line of defence that protects you from intruders, and it’s connected to each and every internal organ system. It’s like a big sponge that can absorb things from the outside world, and when stimulated, your skin supports healthy flow, rhythm, and harmony in your body.

From exfoliating and rejuvenating your skin to supporting lymphatic flow and circulation, discover why the modernized ancient health ritual of castor oil dry brushing will be your new favorite self-care practice.

The dry brush


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Disclaimer: Always check in with your gut, your higher self and your doctor before starting any new health practice. This is not meant to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose. This is for educational purposes only.