★★★★★ Amazing Results

I realized my skin itching was due to food sensitivities. I have removed those foods and started the Castrol Pack and the itching stopped and my bloating was reduced by half. I am sleeping much better and my digestive system is starting to heal.

-Jodie F.

If you’re reading this, it's more likely you’ve thought to yourself: “Am I feeling this way because of something I ate, or do I have an undiagnosed disease?!”

You feel bloated, gassy, and have problems going to the bathroom, right?

Or, you don’t even have digestive issues, but your headaches, anxiety, unexplained weight gain, or hormonal problems leave you feeling uncomfortable in your skin. Is this you?

Overall, you just don’t feel good...

You’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

You feel stuck because it seems like everything you eat sends you on a one-way trip to pain island.

Deep down, the old saying “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” rings true. You suspect that you may have food sensitivities, and you’re not sure what to do next.

Now you find yourself in one of 2 places:

1. Fearful, because you’re worried that if you find out what your food sensitivities are, you won’t have anything left to eat! Not to mention the elimination diets and testing you’ve heard about sound difficult and expensive.

2. Discouraged, because you’ve tried an elimination diet before, or had your lab testing done a year ago. Even though you felt better for a bit, now you’re back at square 1.

Can you relate?

Well, you're not alone in feeling this way because detecting food sensitivities can be overwhelming when it feels like you only have 2 options.

And here’s the thing, our food sensitivities can change, and should be retested every couple of months.

But you don’t have to feel fearful or discouraged. Instead, you can feel safe and uplifted with the Queen of the Thrones® Map Out Food Sensitivities Course, with easy, at-home techniques to connect to your body and find your food sensitivities.

★★★★★ Love this product

It’s great for a busy mom of 3 young ones with very little upkeep and prep. I've already noticed a huge difference in my bloating and inflammation in my gut, and even feel that I’m in a better mood and more emotionally balanced when using this, so it must be helping to balance my crazy hormones too.

-Barbara K.

The problem with food sensitivities

Most people with food sensitivities don’t even know they have them. They can be challenging to pinpoint because the reactions caused by food sensitivities can take up to 72 hours to manifest!

Plus, they can show up anywhere in the body that may seem totally unrelated to digestion (i.e., headaches, anxiety, sleep problems, fatigue, hormone imbalance, skin irritations, autoimmune disease, or thyroid issues).

And when we regularly eat foods that we are sensitive to, stress and inflammation increase in the body. Makes sense, agreed?

Now, stress and inflammation are both fundamental and necessary body processes, but when they get out of control, they exacerbate and contribute to dis-ease of all types.

★★★★★ Better sleep, less stress and inflammation

I have had better sleeps, sleeping through the night most nights, better bowel movements, less stress, more calm approach to life, less eye inflammation and fewer wrinkles around my eyes. Highly recommend Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Packs.

-Stacie G.

How the “Map Out Food Sensitivities Course” makes your life easier

Finding your food sensitivities can be complicated and overwhelming. Lab testing and elimination diets are the gold standards for identifying your triggers, but once you’ve got your results, you’re sent on your merry way.

But what about all that stress and inflammation in your body? This course gives you the tools and practices to feel better immediately and balance stress and inflammation, like the Castor Oil Pack and more.

★★★★★ Happy to get rid of bloating and gut inflammation

I've already noticed a huge difference in my bloating and inflammation in my gut. I even feel that I’m in a better mood and more emotionally balanced when using this, so it must be helping to balance my crazy hormones too. Thanks for a great product!!

-Ashley M

It also gives you at-home techniques so that if your symptoms start to creep in again after a few weeks, you can connect to your body and identify your ever-changing food triggers.

Of course, it’s always ideal to go back to your golden standards of testing, but these techniques save you time and money in between and help guide you on the path to “Know Thyself.”

The Map Out Food Sensitivities Course can help you move from "pain island" to "pleasure island"

This course was designed to help save you time, money, and overcome the fear, discouragement, and confusion you’ve felt on your journey to finding your food sensitivities.

Imagine being able to…

  • Find out why you’re suffering and feel better today with simple self-care and mindset practices
  • Connect to the inner workings of your body and identify food triggers without expensive testing
  • Calm down the stress and inflammation taking up space in your body

★★★★★Best online course I've ever done!

I learned so much in this course not only about my body, but the mind and soul connection that is so important. I feel blessed to have stumbled upon Queen of the Thrones® and I will definitely be taking more courses from them!

-Chelsea G.

It’s an EASY, gentle process so you can connect to your body and understand the signals it’s sending you. Plus, it’s supported by tried and true tools like Castor Oil Packs, backed by science, and holistic practices.

This step-by-step experience will help you set sail for pleasure island!

Would you love that?

★★★★★Remarkable changes in my health

It is really powerful to bring these wonderful products into my life. The change in how I feel now is absolutely remarkable, my digestion, my energy, my emotions, my body and my hair look different, it is a new energy that these wonderful products have brought, thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Curious how the Map Out Food Sensitivities Course works?

This course includes 28 bite-sized lessons, divided into four sections.

  1. The first section helps you understand the basic concept of food sensitivities, the difference between food sensitivities, allergies, and intolerances, and more.

  2. The second section further explains the inner workings of your body, tips on avoiding common mistakes, and how food sensitivities can affect you.

  3. The third section preps you with the tools and practices you need to map out sensitivities and support your reactions, including stress and inflammation.

  4. The fourth section is all about taking action with simple, bite-sized practices for a healthier you.

The beauty of the Map Out Food Sensitivities Course is that it’s:

  • Empowering, not overwhelming
  • Easy, not complicated
  • Short, not long
  • Scientific and holistic, not symptom-based

It’s meant to help restore the faith you once had in your body to feel better so you can enjoy eating once again.

But please don’t expect the Map Out Food Sensitivities Course to be a ‘magic bullet’ because you DO have to show up and do the work so you can reap what you sow. Makes sense, agreed?

★★★★★Happy to have this new tool in my Arsenal for good health!

I love wearing Castor Oil Packs at night as it turns out, it feels like a warm hug on the body as you sleep! It took a few days to notice a difference but, I can report that everything was smooth sailing and easy! I feel terrific.


So, what’s included in the course?

  • 28 bite-sized video lessons with supporting ebooks, downloads, and sharable mindset quotes
  • Accountability emails to help keep you on track
  • Instructions for 5 at-home techniques to connect to your body and find your food sensitivities
  • Options for self-care tools like the Castor Oil Pack so you can feel better quickly
  • Access to a private community of wellness lovers on the same journey as you

You have 3 choices, which would you love?

Course Only

Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Kids Pack Kit


  • Access to Map Out Food Sensitivities Course
  • NO products included


Reg. price $69.99

28% savings


Complete Tool Kit

Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Kids Pack Kit


  • Food Sensitivities Course
  • Castor Oil Pack for Liver Kit
  • Castor Oil Eye Compress Kit
  • Eau de Throne®
  • Mindful Eating Bracelet
  • Pearl Pendulum *exclusive first access!
  • Oh, Sh*t!


Reg. price $290.83

35% savings!!!

Just Bought a Pack?

Queen of the Thrones® Castor Oil Kids Pack Kit


  • Food Sensitivities Course
  • Eau de Throne®
  • Mindful Eating Bracelet
  • Pearl Pendulum *exclusive first access!
  • Oh, Sh*t!


Reg. price $185. 89

30% savings

This is your opportunity to support better digestion, deeper sleep, balanced moods, less cravings and more vibrant energy so you can bloom this new year and feel good in your skin again!

★★★★★ Restful sleep

I use Castor Oil Pack at bedtime and enjoy a restful sleep and bowel movement in the morning right away! I suffer from bloating with my sibo and felt my stomach was flatter after using Castor Oil Packs!

-Tracy D.

Preguntas frecuentes

No, muestra técnicas que puede hacer en casa para ayudarlo a conectarse a su cuerpo en un nivel profundo y descifrar que los alimentos pueden estar dando problemas.

Habrá publicaciones diarias y vidas sorpresa en su grupo de apoyo privado de Facebook.

Este curso es amado por la mayoría y es simplemente para fines educativos. Como siempre, siempre hable con su médico antes de comenzar cualquier nueva práctica de salud.

Si no está satisfecho con su experiencia, puede obtener un reembolso completo dentro de los 10 días posteriores a la compra. Póngase en contacto con cuidado@queenofthethrones.com para obtener apoyo. No podemos aceptar los rendimientos de los productos usados.

Este curso es solo para fines educativos y puede ser tomado por cualquier persona. Sin embargo, algunas de las prácticas discutidas en el curso, es decir. Las dietas de eliminación y los paquetes de aceite de ricino son No recomendado durante el embarazo. Como siempre, hable con su médico antes de comenzar cualquier práctica nueva. Esto no pretende tratar, curar, prevenir o diagnosticar ninguna enfermedad.

Sí, porque enseña prácticas fáciles de estilo de vida suaves que no afectarán negativamente los medicamentos. Continúe tomando su medicamento según lo prescrito.

El 1 de febrero se le dará acceso a su cuenta de sensibilidades alimentarias de mapa.

Descargo de responsabilidad

Siempre hable con su médico antes de comenzar cualquier práctica nueva. Esto no pretende tratar, curar, prevenir o diagnosticar ninguna enfermedad. Esto es sólo con fines educativos. Los resultados varían.