Tired isn’t normal-cleanse your energy and wake up like new

Feeling heavy? It’s your sign that it's time to connect and cleanse your energy.

When your energy metabolism is off, you feel weighed down, as if you have cement boots. Your days drag on like weeks, you feel like you’re in a coma after you eat, and you’re pretty sure the zombies from The Walking Dead look better than you.

Look, it’s not your fault. You're busier and buzzing around like a bee high on energy and caffeine drinks. These, and so many other things, steal away your energy metabolism, but you feel like you need them just to keep your head above water

Am I right?

What are your signs? It's time for an Energy Cleanse

  • You have problems falling asleep, staying asleep.
  • You don’t wake up rested.
  • You feel heavy.
  • You feel sluggish after you eat.
  • You’re really moody.
  • Your hormones are all over the place.
  • You don’t dream, or when you do you have nightmares.
  • You look for activities to zone you out, like overeating.
  • You’re constipated and have difficulty “letting things go”

These are just a few signs you need an energy cleanse. Especially if you feel that your plate keeps filling up, as though you’re at a never-ending, all-you-can-eat buffet.

It’s good to know you’re not alone. In 2021, "48 percent of U.S. workers feel mentally and physically exhausted at the end of a workday, while another 41 percent report feeling burned out from their work."1

Crazy but true!

So, How do you energy cleanse?

What no one told you is that your life is a measure of how you manage your energy, so the last thing we want to do is pile more useless stuff.

Like running outside naked in the moonlight so you feel brand new again.

That's not realistic, but what is realistic is knowing how to renegotiate the management of your energy so you no longer always feel so overwhelmed. Sounds great, right?

So, is this just one more thing to add to your already long list of to-dos?

Energy cleansing is about living smarter, not working harder

You see, your energy metabolism is managed primarily by your thyroid, adrenals, and your liver. These three organs are affected by seemingly innocent actions that may be sucking the life out of them!

Worse, the more stressed you are. Scary, right?

Energy cleansing is about living smarter, not working harder, but you don’t know what you don’t know. So, this will help shed some light so you can live smarter.

So, what are the most common reasons you’re robbed of your energy?

  • Excessive caffeine
  • Dehydration
  • Living in a place with mold
  • Sleeping or sitting in a negative energy zone
  • Electro magnetic frequencies (EMF)
  • "Energy vampire" friends or family
  • Eating foods you may be sensitive to
  • Taking too many supplements you might not need
  • Working your digestion with the wrong food combinations

These innocent daily actions steal your energy away from you, just like a thief in the night.

Ready to cleanse your energy?

The Energy Cleanse Kit can help. By tuning you into your intuition to know what’s in your highest self's best interest, turning off with a stress-reducing meditation acupressure mask, and training yourself with the power of aromatherapy so you can respond in a calm manner.

Energy Cleanse Kit

Queen of the Thrones® Energy Cleanse Kit


  • Medical Mystic Mask - $29.97
  • Pearl Pendulum - $39.97
  • Eau de Throne® Essential Oil Spray - $29.97


Reg. price $97.91

22% savings


Liver Energy Cleanse Kit

Queen of the Thrones® Liver Energy Cleanse Kit


  • Medical Mystic Mask - $29.97
  • Pearl Pendulum - $39.97
  • Eau de Throne® Essential Oil Spray - $29.97
  • Castor Oil Pack for Liver Kit - $61.97
  • Organic Castor Oil 16.9 oz (500mL) - $31.47


Reg. price $159.88

25% savings!!!

1. Tune into your intuition with a pearl pendulum.

Use the pendulum to identify areas of mold in your home, sources of EMFs, and re-evaluate your supplements, food combinations, and friendships.

2. Turn off and meditate calmly with an acupressure mask.

Wearing an eye mask during meditation naturally promotes the production of melatonin hormones, which can become depleted as you age. This is the number one regenerative hormone.

3. Train yourself to be calm and have a relaxed stress response with aromatherapy.

Eau de Throne is a combination of essential oils meant to relax and elevate your energy. Training yourself to be calm when you smell this scent is easy. Use it in the bathroom, where calm is required, or anytime you are feeling overwhelmed.

Preguntas frecuentes

La limpieza de energía es apropiada en cualquier momento, pero si desea obtener un ritmo, es ideal seguir su menstruación, desde el primer día de su período hasta 15 días para la ovulación. Si no está menstruando, intente la limpieza durante la luna llena de la luna nueva. Este es el momento en que la energía se centra en liberar y limpiar.

Hidrate para que no siempre tengas sed y comas alimentos frescos, no demasiada carne. Haz tu mejor esfuerzo.

Al igual que el perro de Pavlov, usamos aromaterapia. Lo rocías en los momentos apropiados cuando tu cuerpo está idealmente en un estado relajado, después de hacer caca y antes de acostarse. Cuanto más rocíe, más reconocerá su cuerpo el olor y la orden de relajarse.

Si bien no se recomienda beber alcohol o café durante la limpieza, la elección es suya, ya que se trata de una limpieza de energía y no una limpieza de alimentos o bebidas. El estado de hidratación adecuado realmente ayuda a dejar ir las cosas.

No, es una limpieza de energía suave que te hará sentir mejor cuanto más lo hagas. No estamos restringiendo las combinaciones de alimentos o bebidas, excepto si se registra con su ser superior y péndulo.

Un péndulo o palos de dowsing es una antigua práctica utilizada para encontrar agua y evaluar las condiciones ambientales que podrían afectarlo de manera negativa o positiva. Como un manguito de presión arterial, toma su pulso energético y el péndulo sintoniza su intuición. Es posible que haya experimentado algo similar con las pruebas musculares en la oficina de su quiropráctico.

Puede usar el péndulo para detectar el moho en áreas de su hogar, para notar dónde no debe sentarse porque su energía está agotando, los alimentos a los que puede ser sensible y cuántos suplementos debe tomar.

No del todo, porque restaurar su energía requiere una combinación de muchas cosas, pero esta es una forma restauradora de comprender el mundo que lo rodea y descubrir sus necesidades de energía únicas, lo que puede ayudarlo a llevarlo en el camino correcto.

Si te has estado despertando sintiéndote de lo mismo y lo mismo, podría necesitar una limpieza de energía.

Descargo de responsabilidad

Siempre hable con su médico antes de comenzar cualquier práctica nueva. Esto no pretende tratar, curar, prevenir o diagnosticar ninguna enfermedad. Esto es sólo con fines educativos. Los resultados varían.